Jouer Retail Closure Announcement

Jouer Boutique Closure

So long, farewell to Jouer Boutique 2.0 at Lee Garden Two. Thank you so much for all the love and support over the past three years. We have been incredibly blessed to have this lovely space at such prime location as our second retail outlet in a prestigious mall since the Chater House pop-up 9 years ago. Alas, our last day of shop operation at Lee Garden will be March 10, 2024.

We’ll also be taking a break with the sales of cakes and pastries products on our online store for now. The last day of deliveries and pick-ups from E-shop orders will be March 10 as well. Hereafter, Jouer will be focusing on catering services, corporate gift orders and other brand collab projects.

Though we’re saying a brief au revoir to our retail shops, you can still find a small selection of Jouer pastries at our partnering restaurants, Mercury Recalls and Oystermine. Go try our desserts there when you miss us ❤️

Terms and Conditions:
1. Please note that all discount codes and e-gift cards must be redeemed before our store closure on March 10, 2024.
Jouer Layered Cakes
Jouer Boutique Closure